Resin Coated Sand (Shell Sand)

Resin Coated Sand (Shell Sand)

Shell sand is used in the mold and core making in the “Shell Mold Casting” method. Generally, ŞELKUM™ is produced by silica sand coating with phenolic resin. ŞELKUM™ provides a shell mold of desired thickness during hot molding. The shell molding method has the advantage of low dimensional tolerance and high surface quality parts. For this reason, shell molding are preferred compared to other sand mold casting methods. It is preferred in small and medium-sized casting parts due to its higher efficiency and lower workload requirement.

Product AdvantagesProduct Advantages

  • High dimensional tolerance
  • High surface quality
  • Enables the production of complex and thin-walled molds and cores
  • Low sand and resin requirement for molding
  • Applied to all small and medium size casting alloys.
Product Types Particle Size
Hot Tensile Strength
Loss on Ignition
(900°C, %)
Gas Content
Shelf Life
(25 ºC, month)
SELKUM 010 45 - 50 5 - 9 1.50 - 1.90 7 - 10 12
SELKUM 115 50 - 55 7 - 10 2.20 - 2.50 9 - 11 12
SELKUM 215 60 - 65 7 - 10 2.20 - 2.50 9 - 11 12
SELKUM 225 60 - 65 11 - 13 2.60 - 2.90 10 - 12 12
SELKUM 230 60 - 70 13 - 16 3.00 - 3.30 20 - 24 12
SELKUM 235 60 - 65 16 - 20 3.10 - 3.40 12 - 14 12
SELKUM 240 60 - 65 20 - 25 4.00 – 4.30 14 - 20 12
SELKUM 245 60 - 65 25 - 30 4.40 - 4.90 22 - 27 12
SELKUM 250 60 - 65 25 - 30 4.30 - 4.70 21 - 25 12
SELKUM 260 60 - 65 30 - 35 5.00 - 6.00 25 - 30 12
SELKUM 335 80 - 90 9 - 14 3.10 - 3.40 12 - 14 12
SELKUM 350 80 - 90 18 - 23 4.30 - 4.70 16 - 20 12
(*) Standard product test data are referenced.